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Things to do on Easter Day to make it more entertaining

AroundThe ClockGifts
Things to do on Easter Day to make it more entertaining


Easter season is a time to celebrate and reflect on the resurrection of Christ Jesus. But it’s also a time you can indulge in great fun as well. There are unique activities like egg-hunting and painting that are only associated with this holiday. Get off your shoes because it’s time to loosen up, as we spoil you with a myriad of super-fun entertainment. It starts right from the inspiring tablescape, delectable meals to heartwarming gift baskets for women and children. We do not wish to forget the men, but these two tend to be more involved in this season than anyone else. Let’s go:




Everyone knows that a dining table is where the heart rejoices. So, before you surprise your guests with various delectables, make a bold statement with your Easter place setting. It is the first step to impress as you enjoy your sumptuous meal. Right? And it doesn’t have to be an uphill task.


Speckled eggs in a nice bowl and fresh seasonal foliage or flowers like hydrangeas, fuller and gorgeous. Some gold cutleries since they add a chic look to the table. And small detailing like table runners, engrossing napkin folds, and placemats with the holiday inspiration. Add some classic elements like bunnies or bird nests.





As you welcome your guests to a party, let them know they will be doing some Easter crafts, so they better gear up. Use one of the corners in the room for this small event. Each person should have a unique pattern to work on their eggs. And to make it more fun, it’s good to reward the best-crafted eggs. That can be gift baskets for women or men and anyone else involved.




It doesn’t matter where you will be spending your Easter season; you must incorporate this super-fun game. Adults may have too much on their plate, with decors and other preps aimed to impress the guests. However, kids are anxiously waiting to have fun, and you can’t afford to disappoint them. It will be more entertaining if you leave an Easter bunny trail as they venture for the search. And since you don’t want one kid to get all the eggs, let each fetch for a particular color.




One of the most anticipated Easter activities for kids is the treasure hunt. It doesn’t have to be just the eggs, but their goodie packs too. No one wants to miss the squealing that the kiddos make when they find their Easter goody. It’s not the same vibe that you get from the gift baskets for womenNot that they don’t appreciate the goodies that may include a vintage bubbly, but the thrill in the little munchkins is so real and pure.





Children love to get a little competitive by nature. Through some supervision, you can create an Easter Olympics for them or join the crew outside. Although you can use any sack or bag, the bunny branded bags naturally bring the holiday spirit. Ensure to reward the fastest with some candies or something special.  


In conclusion, throwing an Easter bash doesn’t have to be stressful. Keep your children busy as you Prep for your guests if you are hosting. And the Easter season has never felt so enthralling with the above activities. However, ensure they have an adult supervising them, or even indulge and play along. While you are at it, don’t forget the gift baskets for womenespecially your mom, children, and others.

AroundThe ClockGifts
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