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Days Gone: How to Take Down Hordes

Bobby clarke
Days Gone: How to Take Down Hordes

 Days Gone is packed with plenty of challenges, and the most challenging thing comes when the giant hordes chase players to get their meal. In the game, players have to survive the zombie attacks with strategy, skills, and essential items. Taking down a couple of zombies is not a tough task, but there are situations when players have to face an immense number of hordes. The size of a horde is not normal, and they are much bigger than the size of the players. Sometimes they run towards the players in groups, and during that time, players have to use their skills to tackle them. If you are new or don’t have enough experience, then here is the guide you need to follow to take down the hordes.

Fight Hordes During the Day

The first thing you need to remember while facing the hordes is always fighting against them in the daytime. Usually, hordes sleep during the day, so you’ll face less number of them. However, if you find they’re outnumbered, then find a spot to hide. Once you’re in the hiding spot, you can throw the explosives on them and take down a lot of them in a few attempts. 


Look for the Bottlenecks and Choke Points

There’s no doubt that hordes are formidable, but with some intelligence, you can take them down quickly. While running from hordes, find a small gap location. You can always find space between buildings and holes. You need to crawl in that space, and it will slow down the hordes. Then all you need to do is throw the explosives or fire at them to eliminate them.

Find the Nearby Explosives

On your path, you can find plenty of explosives. Usually, explosives are situated on an open area that makes things quite easy for players. All you need to do is get the attention of hordes near the explosives and when they are close to the explosive boxes, fire a single bullet to blast all of the nearby hordes at once.

Upgradation is Necessary

Upgradation is necessary, and you can’t ignore it. While battling against hordes for life and death, you’ll fire multiple shots to survive longer. There you’ll realize why upgradation is necessary. After upgrading the weapons, every bullet matters. While firing bullet shots, make sure to aim for the head to kill quickly.

Place Traps

Hordes are always alert, and a slight noise can get their attention. However, you need to take chances and make sure not to get their attention. If they are not aware of your presence, place some Remote Bombs and Proximity on your route. Once you place all the explosive traps, all you need to do is call them or do something that makes them run after you. You can take hundreds of hordes through this technique without even firing bullets. Make sure you’re not close to the bombs because it can harm you as well.

Craft Explosives

As mentioned above, explosives can be helpful when it comes to eliminating a large group of hordes. Frag Grenades, Molotov Cocktails and Attack Bombs can be your best friends while running from the hordes. You can also use the Flash bangs and Smoke Grenades to get some extra time to run.

Upgrade the Focus to Maximum

Focus skill is the most crucial part of the game. While fighting against the hordes, Focus skill often gets into use. It can also decide if you’ll live or die because it enhances the character’s shooting aim. Upgrading the Focus skill to maximum can help you to take great shots and improve the damage.

Get Under Pressure Skill

It’s true that Focus skill kills a lot of hordes, but never underestimates the Under Pressure skill. Make sure to put the Under Pressure skill in the Ranged category. With this skill, you can get extra time to make a better plan. 

Choose a Suitable Weapon

There are plenty of weapons that you can choose from while battling against the hordes. Your best reliable weapon could be semi-automatic weapons like pistols and snipers. Using weapons like SMG, AR will deal with less damage, and most ammo will waste. LMG weapons offer the best help while taking down a horde.


It’s not easy to eliminate a large number of hordes. So to survive, longer players have to start making strategy from the beginning. Players can start upgrading their skills and collect powerful weapons to take down tough hordes. Buildings, gaps, and pipes are reliable places where players can hide and target hordes.

Source :-    https://trustjone.com/days-gone-how-to-take-down-hordes/   

Bobby clarke
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