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A Guide to Schedule Auto Startup or Shutdown on a Mac

Delhi Magazines
A Guide to Schedule Auto Startup or Shutdown on a Mac

Mac is one of the most commonly used and popular gadgets designed by Apple, and it comes with several built-in functions that provide its users with the best computing experience. All the features included in the macOS are easy to use. And among all the functionalities, there is one such feature in the macOS that enables the users to set up an automatic startup or shutdown on their device. It is a great feature that anyone can easily activate on their Mac computer. Some people always forget to shut down their computer system before calling it a day. And this is the perfect option for these situations. Are you also one of those people? Do you also use a Mac computer and want to know how you can set up an automatic startup or shutdown on your Mac computer? Well, this is a pretty simple task to accomplish.

But if you don’t know the procedure, you don’t need to look anywhere else now, because you have come to the right place now. To help you set up an automatic startup or shutdown on your Mac computer, we will provide you with the techniques here. If you want to know the complete procedure to accomplish the task, you will have to go through this full article.

The Method to Schedule Auto Startup or Shut Down on a Mac

The feature to set up an automatic startup or shutdown has become a standard functionality now. You can find this feature in nearly all the modern operating systems. With this feature, you can save your time and battery usage on your computer. If you use a laptop, then with this feature, you can also maintain the high performance of your device. There are various benefits of enabling this feature. You can use this fantastic option to get your computer to start up before you get to your workplace or arrive home. Keeping in mind the needs and interests of the users, Apple has provided this great functionality to its Mac users. Any of the users can enable the auto startup or shut down on their Mac computer. If you also want to do so, you will need to go through the following procedure mentioned here.

The process in this article is explained step-wise so that you can easily understand the task. And now, it’s time to see the technique in detail. Here’s what you need to do to enable the auto startup or shut down on a Mac computer. 

The Steps to Set Up an Auto Startup or Shutdown on a Mac

If you are going to schedule auto startup or shut down on your Mac computer, then you must follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Firstly, to get started, go to the Apple logo that you can see located at the top-left corner of your Mac computer and then select the option of “System Preference” from the drop-down menu.
  • After reaching the System Preferences window, you will have to select the icon of “Energy Saver.” If you are running the latest macOS 11 Big Sur version, then instead of the Energy Saver icon, you will see the “Battery” option. Click on the icon to proceed further.
  • Now, go to the “Schedule” option located at the bottom of your screen. If you are running macOS 11 or any newer version, then you will find this option on the side menu.
  • And then, if you are going to set a schedule for the auto startup, in that case, you will need to select the checkbox given next to the “Start-up” or “Wake” option. Now proceed by selecting the day and time for the auto startup. Here, you will be able to choose the options, including “Weekends,” “Weekdays,” “Every Day,” or you can also select any specific day.
  • If you want to schedule a time for your Mac to auto sleep or shut down, you can do so by clicking on the checkbox given beside the option. And then, follow the steps mentioned above to select the day and time for auto shutdown.
  • And at last, when you are done configuring the settings, you can finish the task by clicking on the “Ok” or “Apply” button. And now, exit the System Preferences window.

It is also important to note that if you use a Macbook, then the auto startup functionality will only work when your device is plugged into the charging port.

So, this is how any macOS user can enable the auto startup or shutdown on their computer. If you also own a Mac, then please try these steps. And visit our website to read more guides like this.

Source: A Guide to Schedule Auto Startup or Shutdown on a Mac

Delhi Magazines
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