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5 Reasons Why You Should Go for Hyper-Casual Game Development

Lana Voutik
5 Reasons Why You Should Go for Hyper-Casual Game Development

Hyper-casual games are undoubtedly one of the hottest trends in the billion-dollar mobile game industry. Goldman Sachs investing 200 million in the biggest hyper-casual game development company, Voodoo, is a sheer proof that these types of games are here to stay.

Simple development

Unlike other game of other genres , hyper-casual games doesn’t require months for the development. It can be created within a week or even in hours. Here is the 4-step development process of a hyper-casual game:

Conceptualization- As these games are based on mechanics instead of a plot, all you have to do is to choose the right mechanic. You can choose from the most popular ones, i.e., tap-to-play, growing, rising or falling, puzzle, and merging.


In this process, the gameplay is tested from the technical as well as the users’ point of view.

Free to download

Hyper-casual games are usually free to download and play. Yes, you read that right! All you have to do is to go to the PlayStore or App Store, enter the name of the game in the search bar, and click the Install button.

Target mass audience

Unlike other mobile games, hyper-casual games are meant for everyone. In other words, people of all ages can easily understand and then play the game.

Doesn’t eat up huge phone space

Hyper-casual games are smaller in size, generally a few megabytes. Therefore, it doesn’t need a lot of space on your mobile phone.

Low development cost

Since these types of games can be developed by any developer with the basic programming skills and knowledge of different platforms, it is right to say that hyper-casual game development doesn’t need a big budget.

Another way to earn through such games is through the number of downloads from the PlayStore or App Store.

Final words

Hyper-casual games are one of the emerging game genres that are gaining popularity among people of all ages. These gaming apps have a higher retention rate as compared to other games, which requires a premium subscription or membership to play.

So, if you want to earn big without spending much on game app development, then hyper-casual games are a perfect fit for you. Just find a reliable mobile game development company, such as Quytech to get a perfect hyper-casual app developed for you.

Lana Voutik
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