If you are facing a strategic management or leadership problem or dilemma, listen to strategy and leadership podcasts with Mahan Tavakoli to discover an effective solution to the problem from a successful leader’s perspective by listening to their leadership journeys that will help you grow and improve your leadership skills.

Don't you know your purpose?
Don't you want to learn how to manage your team?
Well this happens to everyone because they are under a lot of work and a lot of pressure to handle each and everything.
Now you don't need to bother with this, Mahan Tavakoli, a great leadership coach from the leadership journey of Greater Washington DC region changemakers and global thought leaders, is here so you can align better with your purpose, grow professionally with meaning, and have a greater impact.
You can follow Mahan's partnering leadership podcast where he sits down for intimate conversations with diverse leaders to learn from their leadership journeys so we can all improve, grow and have a greater impact.

As we consider that a team does not have a meaning without a leader, in the same way, a leader does not have any meaning without his/her team or group of subjects.
A leader can beholder of an effective designation, but an effective designation holder cannot always possess leadership qualities.
A leader is defined as the possessor of the support, faith, and trust of his team of subjects, who is the basic follower of the rule “Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM).” A Leader is the one who wisely knows the matter of interest of his team members.There are people who possess different types of leadership qualities and handle their teams respectively.
Based on the quality people possess there are three basic types of leadership styles, they are: -Authoritative or Autocratic Leadership: - A leader who follows an authoritative or autocratic leadership style is the one who undermines the suggestion of his team members.
Exerts his/her authority and Forces their decision on his/her subjects.Democratic or Participative Leadership: - A leader who follows a democratic or participative leadership style is the one who includes his/her subjects in the decision-making process but keeps the power of final say with him/her.Free-Reign or Laissez-Faire Leadership: - A leader who follows a free-reign or laissez-faire leadership style is the one who provides no guidance to the team with the power of decision making delegated to the team members.As per Mr. Shailesh Rajpal, Founder and Director of Rajpal Group, Democratic or Participative Leadership is the most suitable leadership style for a company, which surely is.
Mr. Shailesh Rajpal himself is a democratic leader as he allows the employees to grow and develop in the professional environment while consulting him.