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Tow your Business with Success with our Grofers Clone Script

Vanessa Wilson
Tow your Business with Success with our Grofers Clone Script

Establishing a successful business is cumbersome and you have no other option other than to wait. The business strategy involves lots of trials and tribulations to sort out the user's preferences. Hands down! To help you with this, at Turnkeytown we have a whole new method of app development. We have ready-made clones for every popular application. Keeping in mind the growing demand for On-demand delivery services, direct your business towards online Groceries apps. 

In this row, we have devised a Grofers clone script that has many intuitive features. This blog will take you through the feature-set, and the revenue model of the app like Grofers.

Schedule orders- The user can schedule the arrival of the order by mentioning the date/time.

Takeaway- The user can wish to order groceries online and collect it directly from the stores.

Live tracking- This feature will give the user to know the exact location of the orders. 

Next, get to know the Revenue Model of the Application. 

Commission fee- You can earn revenue by charging commission for every transaction that happens through your platform.

Ad-service- You can post advertisements of third parties on your application and get paid for that. Integrate Google Ads, Flash Mob in the app to run ads.

We incorporate all these features and you can customize any of the features to suit your business. We hope the above content will be useful for your business. Head to our website to know more about our Grofers clone app.

Vanessa Wilson
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