Lord Nazir Ahmed was a member of the House of Lords in the UK Parliament. He recently quit his position due to multiple charges of sexual assault allegations. Reportedly, he exploited Kashmiri women who came to him for help

Now, you can buy the Kashmiri saffron, which carries a nice texture and aroma and you would simply travel to a new world.
Before you make the final purchase, it's important to go through the detailed product description, and thus you can get rid of all confusion.
First, you need to find a good store where you can find the exclusive quality of saffron from Kashmir.
Hence, it helps in detoxifying your body and boosts overall immunity.
Crocin and crocetin are the carotenoid pigments and they bring in the dark red color of saffron.
Safranal brings in the amazing taste of saffron and the breath-taking aroma makes you feel good.

Saffron from Kashmir is definitely, one of the most precious and expensive spices in the world.
It’s not uncommon to spend up to four (even five!)
digit price tags for a mere pound of the crocus.
That’s because the threadlike pistols of which there are three per flower are separated by hand, one by one.Saffron which is called Kesar in Sanskrit has for centuries is to believe to have very effective medicinal if not magical properties, and has been used by Ayurveda for beauty enhancement and Skincare treatments for 1000s of years.
People face various skin issues like scars, acne, uneven skin tones, dull complexion, discolored patches, etc.
With the help of saffron, one can easily get rid of most of these skin issues and get flawless skin.Click to read full article: