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Top four reasons to opt for Android 11 over iOS 14

John Smith
Top four reasons to opt for Android 11 over iOS 14

Everyone compares Android and Apple whenever they have to invest in a new device. Some people are absolute Android fans, while others cannot use anything other than an iPhone.

There’s no such evidence that would prove that Android is better than Apple in every way and vice versa. However, talking about the recent updates, Android 11 has proved to perform way better than iOS 14.

Do you want to take a closer look? Here are the top four reasons mentioning why Android 11 is better than iOS 14. So, read along to know more!

Better Notification Management

Many people have debated how Google manages its notifications, while Apple has been performing mediocre for a while. Android 11 presents the notifications in three sections, including Conversations, Notifications, and Silent. With the introduction of the Conversations section in Android 11, it has become much easier to figure out texts from other notifications.

On the other hand, it’s not the case with iOS 14 as all the notifications you receive are on a single notification tray. Therefore, you cannot instantly figure out the notifications from each platform.

Organized Conversations

Android 11 has made another big addition, which is the chat bubbles. When you receive a conversation notification, you can expand the notification to view the previous messages. Moreover, you can type a message and send one.

A lot of apps support the chat bubble feature. For instance, Facebook, Telegram, Google Messages, etc. Not only this, but you can use a single chat bubble for multiple conversations.

Talking about iOS 14, chat bubbles is again a feature that is unavailable for iPhone users. Thus, Android 11 has won another victory.

Ultra-Powerful permissions

Giving permissions to the applications you downloaded should be closely considered, and not all apps need to be permitted to access data on your phone. Undoubtedly, the new iPhone update has a well-managed mechanism for permissions. You can look for the same in the settings menu and instantly enable or disable the same. Additionally, when you open a new app, a pop-up menu appears asking for your permission, which you can accept or deny.

Talking about Android 11, permission to access your location by an app works only once. Also, the permissions for microphone and camera work for one single time while using the application.

Another feature that is absent in iOS 14 but available with Android 11 is the auto-resetting permissions. If you have given out permissions to an app, but the app remains unused for months, it’ll automatically get disabled. Therefore, you’ll have to give the permissions again when you use the app.

One-Tap for Smart Home Controls

Controlling your smart home equipment is a mess when you’ve to juggle between various apps for the same. Therefore, Google and Apple have smartly worked on the same and brought you Google Home and Apple Home apps.

Android 11 has made the process easier as it enables you to add your most-used controls in the power menu. All you need to do is press the power button and use the added shortcut to control your smart home appliances.

Though the iPhone also offers advanced settings to control your smart home, it still requires a little more time to operate, unlike Android 11.

It won’t be wrong to mention that despite a few setbacks by the Apple device, many people prefer the same. These were the top four reasons to opt for Android 11 than iOS 14; however, it remains an independent choice.

John Smith is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles on office.com/setup and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience.

Source:- https://officecom.haribase.com/top-four-reasons-to-opt-for-android-11-over-ios-14/

John Smith
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