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Tips for checking the quality of micro tape hair extensions

Sumati roy
Tips for checking the quality of micro tape hair extensions

Those who are in love with experimenting with their hair may have used hair extensions at some point in time. Not only them, but those who are willing to try out the hair extensions for the very first time also need to know about one of the most important things, that is, to check the quality of micro tape hair extensions. Micro tape extensions are hair extensions that have a micro tape attached at one side, and the best part about this is that they do not do any damage to the hair and human health as well. However, when you are looking to check the quality of the hair extensions, it may seem very difficult to do so if you are new to hair extensions. With some useful tips, you too can differentiate between poor quality micro tape hair extensions and the good ones. 


Check the intactness of the cuticles

Before purchasing the hair extensions make sure that the cuticles are intact and aligned from the root to the tips. When the cuticles are intact, crushing, and styling them becomes easy. Extensions that are of poor quality are prone to falling off easily even when fingers are lightly run through them. Thus, this is the best way to check the quality. If it is good, hairs won’t fall except for only a couple of strands. 


The thickness of the hair extensions

Good quality micro tape hair extensions or mini tape in hair extensions are of similar thickness from top to bottom. Them being of the same thickness means that they have not been styled or layered before. To test them, simply hold the weft against light and check for any gaps or thinness at the bottom of the weft. If there are plenty of gaps and thinness, then the extensions are not of the finest quality.  


The length of the weft

Checking the length of the weft closely is another method of ensuring that they are of good quality. To do so, determine the percentage of full-length strands in your mini tape in hair extensions. A good quality weft has more percentage of longer strands. The smaller lengths are discarded beforehand to ensure that the same thickness and length are maintained from top to bottom. 

It may not always mean that to get better quality hair extensions, you have to spend a ton of money. Even though you look for branded mini tape or micro tape hair extensions make sure that you check them once at the point of purchase or when they are delivered to you as it is important that you spend right.

Sumati roy
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