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Best Resorts to Stay in Mussoorie | The Golden Palms Resort in Mussoorie For Weekend Getaways

Nirav Tomar
Best Resorts to Stay in Mussoorie | The Golden Palms Resort in Mussoorie For Weekend Getaways

If you are looking Best Resorts to Stay in Mussoorie, The Golden Palms Resort is a popular resort for Weekend Getaway in Mussoorie. The Golden Palms Hotel and Spa is a 4-star hotel. The Hotel is ranked number one in the list of luxurious resorts in Mussoorie because of its grand size, scenic location, and world-class facilities. The Resort offers a serene holiday experience vacationing in Mussoorie. The renowned spa offers its signature treatments and products for complete rejuvenation of the body, mind and soul. Also, we provide space for Conference Meetings, Wedding, Birthday and other Social Events.
For more info, visit our website or call us at 8130781111/ 8826291111

Nirav Tomar
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