In recent years, artificial intelligence technologies have also started to exhibit cognitive functions and behaviors specific to human intelligence such as perception, learning, thinking, predicting, problem solving, communicating, making inferences and decision making.
Today, artificial intelligence technologies are used in almost every field of daily life such as law, education, transportation, health, military and art in the world and will continue to be used almost everywhere in the future.
So can artificial intelligence be a real artist or a real architect? Can AI produce art by itself?
We already know that artificial neural networks recognize faces in photographs, understand spoken words and even translate them into other languages, but it needs a little more to speak in the language of art.
However, we know that the first professional architectural work of artificial intelligence was the acoustic Opera House named Elphilarmonie built in Hamburg, Germany in 2017. While Hamburg's $843 million philharmonic concert hall is full of eye-catching architectural gems, its most interesting feature is that it resembles a shimmering ivory cave made up of 10,000 unique acoustic panels connecting the central auditorium, ceiling, walls and railings.
The largest of the three concert halls in Elphilarmonie is a product of parametric design. The designers used algorithms to improve the form of the object, and an algorithm that generates 10,000 panels was discovered.
Algorithmic designs have become a part of our lives without us being aware of them. Thanks to the technology that develops day by day, artificial intelligence will be an inevitable tool to assist architects in solving problems in their design processes.
Which changes await us in the field of architecture with artificial intelligence?
Thanks to virtual reality, the projects drawn in three dimensions become visible as real thanks to the special headers attached. In this way, it means that the drawn project is not only a three-dimensional drawing, but transforms into a real structure that can be navigated and even virtual.
On the other hand, with the digitization of all kinds of technological data, from the environment to security, from shopping to health and transportation, that is, transferring to the computerized digital environment, all kinds of small or large-scale architectural designs are becoming more and more complex and specialized.
For example, after the recent Notre Dame Cathedral fire, Ubisoft's reconstruction of the drawings prepared for the game Assasins Creed and using VR (virtual reality) is among the topics that have been discussed for a while.
So, can artificial intelligence feel a place and cast its feelings on a canvas?
The answer to this question is something we can see over time by following the developing technology. But it is thought that the feeling, the imagination, the power of interpretation will not be like the kind of products that a human-made algorithm could have.
What do you think?