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Find, Replace & Select in Microsoft Word Bangla Tutorial

Belal Chowdhury
Find, Replace & Select in Microsoft Word Bangla Tutorial

Today, I will show you how to use Find, Replace & Select tools in Microsoft Word. Using these 3 tools we can do a lot of hard work easily. Especially those of us who make resulation of meetings know that making resulation is a difficult work. This work needs to be corrected several times. We have to correct the spelling of the word, use another word instead of one word. If there is a misspelling in 10, 15 places on the page, it is difficult to find one by one. A lot of times we get embarrassed because of two, one misspelling. Today's tutorial to solve this problem. I hope the video will be very useful to you. Let's get started.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2pZgD8WT-c&t=282s

Belal Chowdhury
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