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How Cruise Lines from India Have Adapted to Sailing during this Pandemic

Sam Jewel
How Cruise Lines from India Have Adapted to Sailing during this Pandemic

India had a strong cruising industry with many international cruise liners including Costa and MSC finding their sweet spot at some of the Indian ports like Mumbai, Goa and Cochin. Although domestic cruises were yet to get a similar acclaim, they were a choice for many resident citizens who saw great value in the cruises within the country. Sailing in India, like many of the other industries across the world, has taken a hard hit with the pandemic. Even though tourism came to a standstill for the first few months, and is now beginning to look up, cruising still has a long way. While most cruise companies have had to suspend sailing until at least March next year, a few unlucky ones even had to shut down completely (including Pullmantur and Cruise & Maritime Voyages).

Let’s take a look at major cruise liners from India and how they fared since the onset of the pandemic:

Jalesh Cruises

Jalesh cruises are India’s first (and only) international cruise liner, offering luxurious facilities that are favorable to Indian. With one ship – Jalesh Karnika – the cruise liner offered a fantastic variety of national itineraries that let you visit Goa, Lakshadweep and Diu, or international destinations such as Dubai and Trincomalee (Sri Lanka). The pandemic has, unfortunately, caused this cruise company to join the list of those that have had to permanently shut down its operations.

Angriya Cruises

The first domestic cruise line in India, Angriya offers an unmatched experience on-board with luxury brimming from its accommodation and interiors to its dining and entertainment facilities. With an infinite pool to enjoy breathtakingly beautiful sunrises and sunsets, the Angriya ship ran an overnight ferry service between Mumbai and Goa at duration of 14 hours. Currently, its operations have been shut down indefinitely, but there still is hope for its future.

Vivada Cruise

There’s no better way to explore the mangroves of Sunderbans than by joining one of its cruises. Vivada Cruises offers various cruising options through the Sunderbans, along the Ganges and an exquisite heritage journey for 11-nights. With luxurious facilities, tourists eagerly await the revival of Vivada Cruises in 2021.

Many smaller cruise lines such as The Oberoi Vrinda in Kerala’s backwaters, MV Mahabaahu that showcased a 7-night itinerary in North East India and few others are all expecting to restart operations in 2021.

The international cruises like Costa’s neoClassica, Silverseas’ Silver Spirit and MSC’s Grand Voyage around the world that that included Indian ports of Mumbai or Goa have all suspended the India section of their itineraries until further notice.

A much-loved mode of travel in India and across the world, luxury cruising and the cruise industry has been dramatically affected by the pandemic. Travellers all over the world have slowly taken to tourism again, yet cruise lines are yet to get the green signal to re-start operations. The best that cruise connoisseurs can do is plan ahead for 2021 (or even 2022) and try to make the best of fantastic deals that mot cruise lines are offering right now.

Author’s Bio: Kalpesh Mehta is an avid traveler and is keen on experiencing one of India’s river cruises and is eyeing the Assam Bengal Navigation ships now.

Sam Jewel
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