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Why Do We Need Performance Testing?

Roberto Romello
Why Do We Need Performance Testing?

Performance testing is non-functional testing that checks the speed, scalability, and stability of a system. Performance testing is executed to make sure an application runs fast enough to endure a user's attention and engagement. There are numerous tools available to check the performance of a system like LoadRunner, JMeter, NeoLoad, etc. These tools simulate certain virtual users on the system to perform a particular task.

Why do we need to execute performance tests?

You might have heard about website crashes, especially during heavy traffic loads. For example, HBO’s website experienced a website crash when the popular show Games of Thrones, Session 7 aired on 16 July 2017, leading to disappointing tweets from the fan club. A similar incident was witnessed with the delayed ticket bookings when IRCTC - Indian railways’ official e-ticketing portal, began booking tickets for special trains during the lockdown. Many such incidents have been observed over time, like slow-loading pages whenever a new mobile is launched on Amazon or Flipkart.

These performance issues can be resolved through performance test executions that ensure the application performs as required irrespective of the load traffic, network fluctuations, bandwidth availability, and other similar factors.

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Roberto Romello
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