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Which is the top ranked college for Nursing in Bangalore?

jenny saunders
Which is the top ranked college for Nursing in Bangalore?

Akash Institute of Nursing is one of the best nursing college providing excellent medical care and services to patients in a family focused environment. The college is situated in lush green campus near to the Kempegowda International Airport, Devanahalli Bangalore. The Akash Institute of Nursing is the premier institute that is committed towards providing excellent nursing education to students from India and abroad and strive to fulfil the variety of needs in the changing education scenario.

The students of B.Sc Nursing will be trained to work in different specialities. The nursing students will be trained on fundamentals of operation theatre technology, pharmacology, pathology, first aid, emergency response, trauma care, gynaecology, nephrology and other medical related fields. The B.Sc Nursing students will be given fundamental training on medical practices along with the training on professional nursing and midwifery. The B.Sc Nursing students will be learning all the important aspects of nursing during the course duration. The programme is aimed at imparting a thorough knowledge of the basics of the nursing profession.



Merit-based: Candidates from Karnataka who have qualified Karnataka CET can attend counseling sessions to obtain government reserved seats for the course.

 Management-based: Candidates can fill the Admission Form in the website. The college will short-list and inform candidates about available Management quota seats based on the merit.

 Documents required: 10th and 12th level certificates and 2-3 passport size photographs.

Know more about which is the top ranked college for Nursing in Bangalore 2020-21, click on: https://www.akashinstitutions.com/akash-college-of-nursing

jenny saunders
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