*In previos year we got the news of lockdown.And finally the holidays were started due to this pandamic condition.I was very excited due to holidays because I had not to go to school.I was free from school life and those pressure of teachers for doing homeworks.I had enjoyed this pandemac so much in the starting but unfortunately there was restriction started by government to go outside from the home.By hearing that news I felt very sad because I cant go for playing outdoor games like cricket football etc.
*From now I was fully packed in home and and getting bored too much.We can`t met our friends and also restriction for eating fast foods from market.Starting few days looked bad but slowly slowly I was getting close to my family members and they also cared for me.
*In lockdown,I thought we should utilise our time in good works and then I started reading books ,oniline works from home,etc.I had collected more knowledge on a particular topics fom google and also about how to do online business to earn money .And also know our family what they they obout me.
*And now I had controlled myself from all unuseless things and survived this pandemic situation very well.My family members were also happy due to my good works and me also.But truly this pandemic changes my life fully and got serioused towards my future life.Now I am happy by getting a better start of my life journey but it all happens due to lockdown.