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France Chemical Industry

Global Market Database
France Chemical Industry

One of the major end-users of the French chemical industry is its aeronautics sector. It accounts for more than 13% of the chemical manufacturing conducted in France. The aeronautics sector contributes to a trade surplus of roughly USD 12 Billion for the French chemical industry. The chemical industry in France has 3,300 companies, 94% are SMEs and nearly 6,000 production sites. According to the chemical market research report, the sector employs roughly 166,650 people. This value accounts for 6.7% of the French manufacturing workers. The industry generates roughly 830,000 indirect and induced jobs.

Global Market Database is a world’s first dynamic Market Research Platform which provides free market research tools. The value translates to export sales of USD 71 Billion. The R&D expenses incurred in the year 2018 is estimated to be 2.5 Billion.

The across the value chain can be studied using Global Market Database (GMD). Dynamic Market Data (DMD) is used by GMD to understand the changing trends and to provide Market Research Reports For Free. The influencing factors that propelled the growth of this market can be studied with the help of this platform.

Flue gas and its components

Flue gas as the name suggests is the gas that enters the atmosphere via the exit stream of a process. They are gases dispersed via flue i.e. it could be exhaust gases released from a fireplace, oven, furnace, boiler, or a steam generator. Flue gas is typically referred to as residual gases obtained from the process of combustion. The components of the flue gas are dependent on the material that is being burnt. Global Market Database is an effective Market Research Software that gives its users market wise quantitative inputs.

Due to safety regulations imposed on the production unit, manufacturing companies need to treat the effluent gases before being released into the atmosphere. According to safety standards, it is essential to control the number of toxins released into the surrounding air. Owing to the increased urbanization, people living in close vicinity to the plant might come in direct contact with these gases that could pose several health hazards.

In-plant pollution control systems are employed in order to keep a regressive check on the gases emitted through the process. Additionally, the increasing demand for flue gas treatment from manufacturing units that focus on metal forging, steam reforming, and pharmaceuticals acts as a driver for this market. These processes liberate gases that are oxides of harmful compounds like Sulphur and carbon monoxide. Global Market Database is the only market research tool which is dynamic in nature. The market numbers change in line with the change in market dynamics

Moreover, ongoing movements that encourage environmental aggradation acts as a key driver for this market. People are becoming increasingly aware of the climate change-induced from activities conducted by a man that hereby propels the growth of the market. One key restraint is the price associated with the process equipment. GMD is a market research tool for market intelligence data.

Key companies

Veolia is a French trans-nation company. It specializes in the main service and utility areas that are traditionally catered to by public authorities. The main branches include water management, wastewater management, and energy services.

Veolia is currently focused on modernizing the flue gas treatment plant situated in Bayet. The agenda is to optimize the Bayet incineration plant in order to reduce effluent emissions. The company plans on switching the current facility in Bayet to a dry processing unit in terms of flue gas treatment. Bayet manages around 55,000 tons of household waste annually and is the only plant to process hospital waste in the Allier area. Updating of downstream equipment and the introduction of flue-gas energy recovery to preheat feed water are a few of the design agendas Veolia plans to abide by.

Global Market Database
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