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PDF to ePUB Conversion: How Digital Publishers Can Benefit From It?

SunTec India
PDF to ePUB Conversion: How Digital Publishers Can Benefit From It?

With publishing, electronic books or eBooks are just as popular as printed ones. They represent the modern age where everything is available online or on a portable device to read on the go. Many eReaders have come forward to meet this rise in the demands of the consumer. Digital libraries like Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader, and Barnes & Noble Nook are popular ones that use different formats to publish their content. The two most popular ones include ePUB and PDF. As a publisher, you need to choose the right format to reach a wider audience fast, safe, and smartly. In this post, we are going to guide you through the benefits and each format and help you understand why PDF to ePUB conversion can benefit your publishing business. Keep reading to find out more.


Table of Content

What is a PDF File and How Do You Use it?

This is short for Portable Document Format. As the name suggests, a .pdf file in the cross-platform compatible document type. You can access it through Adobe Acrobat Reader on any device like mobile phones, laptops, or a PC. You can even use it across operating systems like macOS, Windows, and Linux.

A PDF file displays a print-type document that has a fixed layout. This means that your .pdf eBooks will look the same regardless of the device you view them on. The fonts, lines, styles remain the same for an eBook reader, smartphone, tablet, or computer screen. Only the page size differs on different devices. You can create PDF files on any word processor or design programs like Microsoft Word, Pages, and InDesign. It is a popular file format that you can use for printouts and get physical copies of your eBook. You just need to know the finished size at which you want them to print.

What is an EPUB File?

This is a file type that you can access specifically through eReaders. It has a re-flowable text, much like a web page. This means that the text in the ePUB file can adjust according to the eReader’s font size, type, and layout. Such eBooks do not have page numbers and instead just have chapters, sections, and end of the book. Unlike PDF, you cannot print an ePUB file.

ePUBs are best if you are reading on an eReader. It can be a Kobo reader, Nook, Kindle, mobile device, iPod, tablet, etc. You may have to zoom in to read a PDF file on the small screen of such devices. You will also have to move a page left to right to read it all. An ePUB file and its re-flowable texts, provide a much better reading experience.

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Originally Published: PDF to ePUB Conversion: How Digital Publishers Can Benefit From It?

SunTec India
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