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Valentine's Day, What's In It for You?

John Philip Cuevas
Valentine's Day, What's In It for You?

Love is in the air! February has been considered as the "Love Month" across the United States and in other places around the world. Candies, flowers, and gifts are exchanged on the 14th of February to show their undying appreciation and love between families, friends, and couples; all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this St Valentine? Why do we celebrate Valentine's day every 14th of February? Who started it? 

Feast of Saint Valentine

Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine is celebrated every 14th of February. It started as a Western Christian feast day honoring one or two Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine. Later on, it was recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.

Though there were mysterious stories shrouded and associated with the feast, it was Pope Gelasius who was responsible for establishing it in 496 AD to be celebrated on the 14th of February in honor of Saint Valentine of Rome who died in 269 AD. Coined as the Feast of Saint Valentine, the day became associated with romantic love in the 14th and 15th centuries which continued in the 18th century where couples exchanged flowers, greetings cards, and gifts as a symbol of their love and affection towards each other. 

The 20th Century Celebration

As time goes by, where technology has been rising tremendously, Valentine's Day is still celebrated across different nations. The culture of exchanging flowers, gifts, greeting cards among others between couples remained visible. Even companies are taking part in this celebration and offer promos and discounts as a marketing strategy. Others offer a different approach letting you personalized your gift in simple steps such as a custom video bookIt's a modern take on greeting cards where videos are stored and played on a built-in LCD video screen. Other than the usual greeting cards, a sound can be incorporated too. This musical greeting card with a special sound where you can add music or a personal recorded message is way better than the traditional greeting cards exchanged every Valentine's Day. It's innovative, creative, and miles ahead of the old ones. 

The Takeaway

Valentine's isn't just for couples. The love month is literally for all of us. It's the perfect time to give back to your loved ones, employees, co-workers, faculty and staff, and the like. Whether you are giving them a flower, a custom video book or musical greeting card, chocolates, among others; the important thing to remember is that you appreciate them as a person. As they often say, it's not the price or gift that matters, it's the thought that counts. 


John Philip Cuevas
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