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Employee Engagement Software Quantum Workplace Wins 2021 Award

FinTech Buzz
Quantum Workplace

Quantum Workplace, a leading provider of comprehensive employee engagement and performance software as well as the North American leader in data collection for nearly 50 Best Places to Work Programs across North America, announced today it was named a winner in the 2021 BIG Innovation Awards, presented by the Business Intelligence Group.

Quantum Workplace was recognized for its SaaS-based Nextgen Talent Reviews, a solution revolutionizing the ways companies make talent decisions to maximize their workforces. It is designed to help human resource leaders and executives more strategically manage their talent pipelines. Nextgen Talent Reviews is the only tool of its kind available today and easy to use as reviews can be performed and completed in just minutes.

“We are always seeking to create solutions that maximize employee engagement, success and performance. Nextgen Talent Reviews is no exception; it gives companies the power to easily and seamlessly make workforce decisions that positively impact all their employees. This is increasingly important as workplaces continually strive to grow and develop talent, which results in better employee experiences and more productive workforces. We thank the BIG Innovation judges for recognizing how our solutions make work better,” noted Greg Harris, Quantum Workplace co-founder and chief executive officer.

Organizations from across the globe submitted their recent innovations for consideration in the BIG Innovation Awards. Nominations were then judged by a select group of business leaders and executives who volunteer their time and expertise to score submissions.

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