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Common Lock Problems

Liberty Locksmiths
Common Lock Problems

When locks work properly you don't even notice them but when they don't it can be a disaster. It can make you late for work, the train, picking up the kids. Here are some of the most common lock problems that a locksmith has to deal with.


1.  Key breaks in the lock

If you have a stiff lock, it can be tempting to force it. This is never a good idea as the last thing you want is a broken key which prevents you from locking or unlocking the door. Thankfully this is one of the easier fixes for us and we can usually quickly remove the broken key and let you get your life back to running as normal.

2. The key won’t turn

If the key will go into the lock but you can’t turn it, the lock may have seized. This is a common problem and if you try and force it you may end up with a broken key. We can often solve this using our specialist silicon sprays, but sometimes if the lock is old or damaged we may need to replace it with a new one.

3. You need to lift the handle to lock the door

This is common is UPVC doors and is usually due to the door becoming misaligned through wear and tear. We can usually quickly and easily reposition the door and get it working properly again.

 4. The key won’t go in

The first thing to check is that you are using the correct key! If this is not the problem then it’s possible that there could be a blockage in the lock. Rather than try and DIY this it is usually better to call a locksmith and get them to investigate. We have specialist tools that can sort most blockages quickly without causing any damage to the lock.

Liberty Locksmiths
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