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Programming languages for mobile app developers

Akshay Nanjunda
Programming languages for mobile app developers

In the last five years, the mobile application development industry has been drastically growing to new heights, transforming the way many mobile app development companies in dubai  and world wide work. It calls for mobile app developers to write many versions of an application for several different platforms using a single language and several pieces of reusable code depending upon the demand and competition


What are the Programming languages for mobile app development




If you are looking to create a Web-fronted mobile device application, HTML5 is the perfect programming language. Although it makes it easy to inject multiple data types, accounts for different screen sizes, rationalises input parameters, and even levels the playing field of the browser, the issue with HTML5 is that it is still a proposed standard. Html5 a language supported by different browser     , HTML5 has the benefit of building on the existing version of HTML from a cost-efficient point of view, making the learning curve much shallower than that for a completely new language.



Objective-C, the primary programming language for iOS apps, was chosen by Apple to develop stable and scalable apps. As a C-language superset, it has a variety of functions that handle graphics, I/O, and display functions precisely. In addition, Objective-C is completely incorporated into both iOS and MacOS systems as part of the Apple development framework. It's now increasingly being replaced by a more efficient language called Swift in the Apple ecosystem, though.



Swift is the programming languge in trend   pgramming was  The Cupertino company makes it obvious for iOS developers to switch to Swift for full programming, even though it is a language written to work with Objective-C. For the purpose of removing the possible vulnerabilities when C programming was used swift was found  , it is time for mobile app developers to turn to Swift, companies are now looking more for swift developers in their team for making the mobile apps more faster and to the point 



C# is Microsoft as Objective C is for Apple , the most desired programming language for Windows Phone app development.Although a Windows Phone platform didnot have any impact in ndustry of mobile application development, C# allows the perfect programming language for loyal Microsoft users to create robust Windows Phone apps.


When it comes to Android app development, the Java programming language is one of the most common languages. Java, an object-oriented programming language created by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle), can be run in two separate ways: in a browser window, or on a virtual machine that can run without a browser. If it comes to re-using code and upgrading applications, this versatility seems to mean a lot. Although Java does not have much to do if you consider iOS growth, when it comes to mobile apps across platforms, i.e. cross-platform apps, it can definitely be on your chosen list.



The above are the programming languages for all the platforms be it Android Ios or Windows where the number of apps are developed by mobile app development companies in dubai and around the world 

Akshay Nanjunda
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