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How is it done in Salon or at home?

ujjwala kharkar
How is it done in Salon or at home?


Here are some easy to learn step by step guides of how to do Pedicure at home or Salon.

These are some quick tips of doing Pedicure, to know better and in-depth you may contact the salon experts of Apple Unisex Salon, visit the website to contact them further. Thus, if you want to show some love to your body and especially your feet then do not delay in pampering yourself with Pedicure or other salon services/treatments. Feel different, feel beautiful.


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Remove the nail art if you have – This calls for the first step in Pedicure, to remove the nail polish or any kind of art from the nails, hence to clean it.


Add salt to the warm water – Salon uses foot spa wherein you at home can use tubs or water basins for soaking your toe in warm water. Add the salt in the water for cleansing purposes. This process helps in removal of dead skin cells making the toe skin softer and smoother.



Rinse the feet and scrub – Get your toes out of the water rinse and soak it to apply the Pedicure product or special moisturizing mask to the toe. Rub and scrub the toe with that product, this will help in cleansing the toe and moisturizing it to smoothen.


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Place the feet back into the water to rinse it again – Once the scrubbing is completed with the entire essential massaging then put your feet back into the water, for a final wash. You can use the same water or might choose to change it too. As soon as you are ended with the process, you’ll see your mood charged up and body feeling more refreshed and relaxed.


Snow when you do eye makeup keep these points in mind and make sure the outcome is perfect For any doubts and enquiry contact thebest unisex salon in Pune- Apple salon at +91 8888 1700 11. You can also visit us at https://www.applesalon.in/





ujjwala kharkar
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