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Most Common Oral Hygiene Mistakes You Need To Fix

Golden Age Dental Care
Most Common Oral Hygiene Mistakes You Need To Fix

Dental care for elderly in nursing homes in California (CA) is very necessary to ensure the overall health of senior citizens. However, while you might think you are providing quality services to the elderly, there are some mistakes you might be doing during your dental care services. Here are some common mistakes you need to fix.

Only brushing in the morning

A lot of people are naturally compelled to brush their teeth in the morning to curb bad breath. However, it is all too easy to neglect to brush your teeth before going to bed since most people are usually exhausted during this time. What you might not know is that by the end of the day, you have the most amount of debris stuck in between your teeth. Also, when you sleep, your mouth is not active for the production of saliva to help clean the teeth.

As a result, the bacteria in your mouth will have enough food supply and the byproduct is always harmful acid that leads to tooth decay. So if you are providing dental care for elderly in nursing homes, make sure they brush their teeth after every meal. This applies to everyone and not just the seniors.

Brushing too hard

There is a misconception that says that the hard you brush, the better you clean. This is false. Scrubbing too hard can cause gum recession and enamel abrasion. This can lead to sensitivity of the teeth.

If you are providing dental care for elderly in nursing homes CA, it is important to check for signs of wrong teeth brushing methods. Signs that someone is scrubbing too hard when they brush include a receding gum line and increased teeth sensitivity. If you cannot break the habit then you should use an electric brush that has pressure indicator to warn you when you are going too hard on your teeth.

Golden Age Dental Care
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