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Why is the Mahindra tractor Best option for farmers?

mohit batheja
Why is the Mahindra tractor Best option for farmers?

Mahindra tractors have many advanced and modern features that make them the perfect choice for farmers. Some of the features are defined below. 

  • Mahindra tractors are loaded with the latest technology and have best-in-class functions to ensure high profitability and productivity. 
  • These tractors are available at prices starting from Rs 2.50 Lakh*, making them affordable for small and marginal farmers. 
  • They are highly efficient and effective tractors, making them perfect for all kinds of farming activities. 
  • Mahindra has the broadest dealer network globally, with 1000+ dealers across 40+ countries and still counting. 

Mahindra provides 2wd and 4wd variants, with engine capacity from 15 hp - 75 hp. These variants are available in 1/2/3/4 - cylinder and dual or single clutch options. Mahindra tractor price starting from Rs. 2.50 Lakh* and goes to Rs.12.50 Lakh*. 

The farm tractors have innovative features and provide excellent farm solutions, so most of the farmers select Mahindra tractors for their farm applications. They are versatile, durable, and cost-effective machines, specially designed to perform highly in the farm field. Mahindra tractor price is affordable and reasonable for Indian farmers. 

Mini tractors have engines ranging from 15 hp to 30 hp, available in 2wd and 4wd variants. These tractors are made by advanced crop solutions, enhancing productivity and income. Mini tractor price range is Rs. 2.50 to Rs. 6.15 Lakh*, which varies state by state due to some factors. 

mohit batheja
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