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Plant-based cheese and ready-to-eat food usher in development opportunities

tom lee
Plant-based cheese and ready-to-eat food usher in development opportunities

Vegetable foods, including cheese, ready to eat, seafood and egg substitutes, are the biggest opportunities for the vegetable food industry, according to an important new survey.

Proveg international, an international vegetarian Support Alliance, surveyed 6221 consumers in nine European countries, including the UK, and found that consumers would like to see more plant-based cheese, with plant-based seafood and egg substitutes as the main growth opportunities.

More than three quarters (76%) of the respondents were plant dieters (mainly or only eating plant food), and 24% were dieters (reducing or trying to reduce the intake of meat and / or other animal products).

The results food and nutrition in Europe survey show that although consumers tend to be more satisfied with some plant products, they also believe that there are not enough plant products to choose from in almost every food category.


Consumers want to see more changes in product types, raw materials, tastes and tastes, as well as more products suitable for different lifestyles and uses, the report said.

Vegetarians say they most want to see more vegetarian cheese in supermarkets. Nearly two thirds (65%) of the respondents said they would like to see more vegetable cheese in supermarkets because they think there are too few choices at the moment.

Plant based ready to eat products are the second most popular product, and the third most popular is plant-based weight loss products. Vegetarians also want to see more plant-based meat substitutes that mimic meat, while plant dieters are looking for more plant-based baked goods and chocolate.

Seafood and egg substitutes

In particular, vegetable seafood and egg substitutes show great growth opportunities. Only 16% of vegetarians have bought and tried vegetable seafood, while the consumption rate of egg substitutes is lower, only 11%.

"Vegetable cheeses and ready to eat foods represent huge growth opportunities," said Verena Wiederkehr, director of food industry and retail at proveng international. We recommend that manufacturers focus on expanding the range of these best-selling products, especially plant cheese, and strive to improve taste and texture. "

"There are very few individual egg substitutes on the market, far fewer than those used for baking. If we consider the versatility, breadth of functions and consumption frequency of eggs, we will find that the plant-based egg sector is another major opportunity, and the time is ripe for investors to support innovative start-ups. "

tom lee
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