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Top 10 real estate WordPress themes 2021

rajesh kumar
Top 10 real estate WordPress themes 2021

The real estate industry is booming like never before. Many people are trying their luck to earn more money by promoting real estate listings. This is the reason that real estate agents are making their websites to showcase their beautiful and luxurious properties to the clients. This is a professional yet sorted way to bring business online as well as work smoothly. Having a professional real estate website will definitely accelerate your business to manifolds. In fact, if you are a property agent, or working as a property consultant then you must have a website to mark your presence in the online world to get noticed.

By creating a website, agents can reach the masses and grow their businesses easily. And what other way is to build a website than with WordPress. By default, mostly you will find WordPress themes for blogs or business websites. This is the reason it becomes hard for one to search for the best and suitable real estate themes. However, here are some of the top real estate WordPress themes of 2021 by ThemeForest. You will get every theme for real estate, rental, booking accommodation, estate sale, etc.

RealHomes – Estate Sale and Rental WordPress Theme

real homesReal homes – this estate sale and rental theme offers features like Elementor page builder, 26 real home based widgets, free updates, customer support, simple to use interface, open street maps, and Google maps support, translation ready, gallery templates, revolution slider, child theme included, one-click demo import, well-documented, etc. The price of this theme is $59. The best part of this theme is it reliable, customizable, and versatile. This WordPress theme is designed to create a professional yet stunning real estate business website to attract an online audience and to manage property information easily.

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rajesh kumar
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