AI Products 

eTHIC - The One Stop Audit Solution

eTHIC - The One Stop Audit Solution

eTHIC is an auditing and compliance platform by NCSSoft, a premier product development company that focuses on developing products for banking and financial sectors. eTHIC saves time taken for manual processes and brings in high productivity to firms. It offers digitized comprehensive, end-to-end Audit Automation across the BFSI sector to save a considerable amount of time, cost and effort. Irrespective of the size of the financial company, eTHIC provides significant results.


Please visit : https://ncssoft.in/best-software-for-banks-audit/


#NCS #Compliance #AuditSolution #eTHIC #eaudit #Risk #BFSI #AuditDigitalization

NCSSoft is a product development company primarily focused on developing products for the financial sector. Completing a decade of delivering comprehensive solutions for Banking and media industries, NCSSoft is the preferred Auditing solution provider for top financial institutions across India. With a user base exceeding 1 lac, we are poised to become a global leader in the Auditing and Compliance space.

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