According to the study of astrology the most powerful zodiac signs are: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn. The power your zodiac gives is about how well you can control and manage yourself according to the timing and situations.

On the face of it, countries like the US, China, and Russia remain the most powerful nations in the world.
The rankings of the most popular nations in the world in this article go as per the published report at the US News and World Report.
This goes as per the way these nations have an influence in terms of their political, economic, and military power.
This has come as per the responses from more than 21,000 people in the world.
How about checking the list of the most powerful countries in the world as under:USAThe US has retained its position in the world emerging as the most powerful nation in the world.
As per the US news, it has emerged out as the world’s most dominant in terms of military and economical elements, while the cultural imprint has spanned to the world’s best position.

The zodiac is a band around the skies that extends 9 degrees on either side of the ecliptic, the plane of Earth's orbit and Sun's apparent annual course, in astronomy and astrology.
The orbits of Moon and the major planets are also entirely contained within the zodiac.Each of the 12 Zodiac signs fires shots at each other to get ahead of each other.
However, some Zodiac Signs will fall short of their predictions, while others will outperform them.
So, in this perspective, let's talk about who is the most intelligent and who is the most dumb zodiac sign in the year 2021.There's no finer feeling than realising you've just done something brilliant.
Zodiac's will devise their own strategies for dealing with a variety of scenarios.
Some zodiacs, on the other hand, would struggle and lack brains, thus learning how to play smart will be a key problem for them.