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Get Your Php Event Booking Script !

Get Your Php Event  Booking Script !

We are the professional Theater / Event Management Script Development and Clone Script Development Company. This Is The Best Place For Your Theater / Event Management Script.

We  Php Event  Booking script  can interpret the underlying notion of cinema management associated developed this script that puts everything in a very single page and you'll be able to have an outlook at anytime. This price ticket reservation system permits you to handle reserving seats event and e-ticketing events in wholesome manner. as well as foods and beverages events can also be managed easily .

Sell Tickets Online :

Our online platform Php Event  Booking script  assists multiple screens with multiple tickets booking and totally different time zones for various movies. This readymade theater booking software system contains a powerful admin panel, therefore you'll be able to take charge over the film and choose should needed film must be run. It additionally controls assortment|the gathering} details like worker details details and screen collection details in day to day, weekly basis and monthly basis manner. This script includes a responsive style, therefore it will be accessed from the majority the devices and has easy navigation.   

We have aware that there is many similar varieties of product within the market, then again, our product is different and that we assure with our twelve years of expertise and 100+ customers. we've offered 7000 man hours for this product advance event booking script. we all know that just about all the theatre homeowners and operators don't have technical data that's why we have a tendency to additionally offer one year of technical support, free updates for the software code for six months. we  offer you with the complete the complete upon purchase of the script and your web site will go live inside successive twenty four hours.

Main Features in Php Event  Booking script :

Search Events

Booking  tickets

payment  through online

Printing  ticket

Event Schedule

Category management


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Ticket Reservation System





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