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IFB Service Centre in Mumbai

IFB Service Centre in Mumbai

Washing machines is one of the most common household appliances which is used by the most of the people in their house. Washing machines are very useful for us. We can wash the clothes at any time and it is a time saving machine. In washing machines there are many types and varieties like: top load   Customer Support Service   washing machines, front load washing machines, semi automatic washing machines, fully automatic washing machines, etc. there are many problems with the washing machines which is very important to solve those problems. Washing machines repair and service centers are providing doorsteps service. In our service center all the technicians are well talented and experienced to provide you the service. We not only provide you the service but also provide you the best quality based spare parts. We provide the service for 24/7 with reasonable prices. 

contact us:. 1806660022 , 18008918106

Mumbai Maharashtra pin code 400001 INDIA

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