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Common Autism Mental Health Condition Indicators

The Lizard Centre

Due to misinformation that is spread online, there has been plenty of confusing concerning autism. That includes what autism is, how it impacts people’s lives and if it is a mental health condition or not. Thankfully, the experts at Lizard Centre are here to help dispel these incorrect notions and explain common indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

ASD is best described as a mental health condition that impacts one’s capability to interact with the world. Essentially, those with autism relate to the world in very different ways from those without the condition both socially and naturally. This disability is a wide spectrum, which means that every person has a unique experience with the condition and each person can have vastly different impairments.

As the name implies, Autism Spectrum Disorder is used to encompass several different diagnoses that used to be separate. These include Asperger’s Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified. That’s why autism is referred to as a spectrum.

While it isn’t known what the root cause of ASD is, it’s been determined that vaccines (despite much misinformation) do not cause autism. ASD is a neuro-development issue, so the causes are most likely thought to be either genetic, neurological or both. There is no consensus on the definite cause and there isn’t a cure either, so anyone trying to tell you otherwise shouldn’t be believed.

ASD is also one of the most common ailments. One in 100 school children have the disability and it’s more common in boys than girls. Less severe cases of ASD often go unnoticed due to how different the difficulties each person faces manifests. Many ASD issues are thought to just be common deficiencies for children as they grow, which means many adults are diagnosed with autism once they are older.

Below are some of the most common indicators of ASD:

  • Struggle to communicate with others and an inability learning how to speak
  • It is hard to engage in play with other or play with imagination
  • Their interests are specialized in specific topics, items or activities
  • There is a development of routines and rituals, which cause anxiety if changed
  • Sounds, tastes and colours are difficult to process (for example, some children with ASD cannot determine the difference between hot and cold)

Simply put, autism is indeed a mental health condition that doctors can verify through symptoms. However, it is unknown what exactly causes it and there is no cure available. That being said, there is help for those with ASD and it will help them live life to their full potential.

Lizard Centre is here for families that have a loved one with ASD. We work with parents and siblings to give them the support that they also need. Not only do we help make sure you understand ASD and how to aid a child with it, we will show you how to make adjustments and cope with any difficulties that you might come across.

Give us a call today if you need support after your child was diagnosed with ASD. Lizard Centre knows that every patient is unique and are happy to help.

The Lizard Centre
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