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Jamie Goldstein Boca Raton- Business Entrepreneur

Jamie Goldstein Boca Raton
Jamie Goldstein Boca Raton- Business Entrepreneur

Jamie Goldstein Boca Raton is an experienced founder and investor in early-stage companies. He is the founder of Pillar, a new Boston-based investment firm. Jamie founded Pillar in collaboration with 16 of Boston’s leading technology company CEOs with the aim of building the next generation of pillar technology companies.

Jamie was previously an investing partner for 18 years at North Bridge Venture Partners and has been instrumental in the formation and successful growth of many companies. His active investments include Actifio (copy data virtualization), Plexxi (simplified data networking), Layer3 TV (next-generation cable), and O3b Networks (international satellite company providing internet and mobile capability to billions of people in more than 180 countries).

Jamie Goldstein Boca Raton
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