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http://facebook.com/Login/Identify | Facebook password reset

smith james
http://facebook.com/Login/Identify | Facebook password reset

How to set up a recovery email, phone number, and emergency contacts

If you managed to remember your password and log in, it's best to add additional verification and recovery methods to recover your passwords, such as a trusted phone number and contacts the help you to recover your Facebook password reset. You never know when you might forget your password or doing someone might try to hack into your account; it's best to have a few different verification methods.

Log into your Facebook account, click the little arrow on the right, and select Settings.

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On the General tab, select Contact and add a backup email address and your current phone number.

Then select the Security & Login tab on the left and scroll down to Configure additional security. There, you can choose 3-5 friends who will help you recover your account if you forget your password in the future.

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While you are doing this, you can modify other security and privacy settings. Set up alerts for unacknowledged logins and two-factor authentication if you haven't already done so. You can also change the password to something long and complex (you can check our password security checker to see if it is strong enough) and add it to your password manager. This way, you won't risk losing it in the future.

smith james
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