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Holiday Camps

harunrashiod1000 harunrashiod1000
Holiday Camps

Holiday Camps

Holiday Camps - Get the best coding and STEM education in Singapore. Bricks 4 Kidz offer the best STEM and Coding Enrichment platform for your child. Join us now!

Play first, learn first

Bricks 4 Kidz was brought into Singapore through the owners’ strong desire to create a stimulating and creative enrichment environment where kids can focus on playing without the excessive emphasis on learning.  But at the end of the day, will still be able to be intellectually engaged in the process.

This desire has driven the owners to Florida to be personally trained on the curriculum of Bricks 4 Kidz before opening the first of its kind facility in Singapore!

The spirit and philosophy of Bricks 4 Kidz is in line with recent focus on the principle of ‘purposeful play’ in designing preschool programmes.  This principle is guided by placing equal focus on both learning and play. Holiday Camps

Creative Learning Corporation (CLCN), operating under the trade name Bricks 4 Kidz®, offers an exciting, educational experience for children ages 3 – 12+, where we learn, we build, we play… with LEGO® bricks. Through a unique franchise business model that includes a proprietary Franchise Marketing Tool (FMT), our specially designed program utilizes theme-based LEGO® model building to provide opportunities for problem-solving and help kids develop an appreciation for how things work. All this takes place while kids are having fun and socializing in a safe, relaxed learning environment.

Get your kids started!

Holiday camps are a fun option for vacationing in Britain. They were the "it" way to vacation in the fifties and sixties. During those times, taking a vacation to the coast was rare. Those vacations were costly, especially since the War had recently ended. Since many people could not take a holiday, the holiday camps brought the holiday to them. Holiday camps provided an all in one option. The price was good, there was a lot of food, and, of course, there was a lot to do.

One of the earliest holiday camps you can still visit today is called Caister Camp. When it was originally opened, the accommodation was in tents. The great thing about this camp is it is located right on the beach. In addition, it has over 90 acres of land. Holiday Camps

Another earlier camp is called Corton Beach Holiday Camp. It is located in Skegness and was opened in 1936. The amazing thing about this camp is that it could accommodate so many people. Because of its size, it stood out from a distance. Many would stop and stare at it from the town.

Middleton Tower Holiday Camp was started in the 1950s. It is famous for it's building which was designed to replicate the ocean liner on land. Also, the camp had a "Sun Ray Room", bars, and a separate theater for children. The goal of this holiday camp was pure entertainment. Many guests stayed at the camp on a constant basis.

A fun holiday camp opened in the 60s along the Esplanade called Bognor Regis. It was a site to behold. The area was beautiful. This camp was definitely more modern than others. It had newer hotels and flats.

Visit for click: https://www.bricks4kidz.com.sg/about-us/



harunrashiod1000 harunrashiod1000
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