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What are the main challenges in the chemical suppliers supply chain?

tom lee
What are the main challenges in the chemical suppliers supply chain?

Chemical production is a multi million dollar industry with a complex supply chain ecosystem. It is one of the most influential industries in the world, with annual sales of more than $5 trillion, supplying nutrition, agriculture, construction and many other industries. The chemical market is currently undergoing many changes, not just because of the coronavirus pandemic. The company is facing many challenges in the chemical supply chain and will have to adopt new strategies to improve operational efficiency.

There is no doubt that the chemical industry is a complex industry, which needs high production efficiency. Because of the nature of its products, it has always been under regulatory control, so maintaining all parts of the end-to-end chemical supply chain has always been a challenge. Now, with the market instability, customer demand pressure, digitization and industry integration, some chemical suppliers are struggling under the pressure.

What are the main challenges of the chemical supply chain?

Uncertainty of demand

One of the complexities of chemical supply chain is the increasing customer demand in terms of speed and service, as well as the general uncertainty of market supply and demand. At present, one of the things that is happening in the chemical industry is commercialization, which means that a customer needs to obtain products from multiple suppliers. Coupled with the natural complexity of the chemical supply chain, it is difficult for enterprises to predict and track all the small fluctuations that affect different parts of the value chain.

Emerging technologies

It may sound absurd to regard digitization as the challenge of our time, but for global heavy industries such as chemical industry, the transformation is long and challenging. More importantly, new technologies and regulations exert pressure on the rigid operating machinery of the industry, making it more difficult to integrate flexibility and adopt these new technologies to improve services.

Industry integration and intensified competition

For many companies, increased competition means slower growth and less likelihood. Although the western market is full of chemical suppliers, attention has turned to Asia and the Middle East. Because of overcapacity, smaller companies are merging with larger ones to avoid bankruptcy.

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