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6 Word Tricks To Master Your Formatting Skills In 2021

Ella johnson
6 Word Tricks To Master Your Formatting Skills In 2021

Many things go hand-in-hand with your Monday mornings: your favorite coffee, two french toasts, your favorite 8:30 bus, and Microsoft Word. Lately, other programs have shifted writers’ attention, but Word remains the sole pillar that has been tested again & again in standard office settings.

In short, Word is a simple yet compelling text processing software —regardless of how many other text-based programs exist in the market.

Even if you consider yourself a master of Word, there are some tips & tricks you can learn to become more efficient in your office. In regards to that, here are six cool Microsoft Word hacks that will save your time and simplify your writing process.

Using a template

Usually, Word templates are overlooked because we tend to follow a specific pattern for writing documents, like writing a blog requires the regular titles, paragraphs, headlines, and finally, the conclusion. However, perusing Word’s existing word templates can be the game-changer here.

From brochures, resume to college newsletter, you can create anything with Word. From a creative perspective, you are not only saving your efforts with a readymade template, but you can further enhance your project by personalizing those templates as well.

Now, the big question is, where do you find the templates? Well, open Microsoft Word and instead of clicking on the blank document, look around the available templates and select the one that fits your needs.

Once selected, edit the page, colors, and elements to add a personalized touch to your doc. Finish it by adding the text to create unique reports, letters, or customized pieces of art.

Get familiar with keyboard shortcuts

Aren’t you tired of constantly clicking those mouse buttons like a maniac? If yes, then it’s time to get familiar with keyboard shortcuts.

When using keyboard shortcuts, there is no limit to what you can and can’t do. Seriously, there are over 100+ keyboard shortcuts that will transform you into the next keyboard boss. Since it takes time to learn those shortcuts, we have a list of our own top 5 Microsoft Office keyboard shortcuts for you.

CTRL + Enter

By pressing CTRL + Enter, you can add an automatic page break inside the document. This key combination comes in handy when you are writing novels or official letters.


By pressing F4, you can repeat your most recent action. Be it editing, formatting, or deleting the text inside the document.

Shift + F3

This might be the best shortcut key for people who always end up pressing the Caps Lock button with their pinkie. Got a text in ALL CAPS? Just highlight it and press Shift + F3 to make it normal again.

Ctrl + Shift + N

By pressing the Ctrl + Shift + N keys, you can retain the standard style of the text and remove all sorts of added formatting.

Ctrl + Shift + C

This is the keyboard version of the format painter tool. By pressing Ctrl + Shift + C, you can copy the format of the text and paste it in elsewhere using Ctrl + Shift + V.

Save your formatting style

Let’s suppose you are writing a report by adding a personalized header & footers with a few extra graphics on the side. Every time you make that report, you have to start from scratch and add those edits repeatedly.

Here’s the good news! You can stop doing that to your text and use the “Quick Styles” features to save all the formatting in a single place.

Now, let’s take an example where an office worker makes a report every week. She formats the heading as size 18 Arial font. Further, she uses bullet points to highlight the key factors for the business, and she ends it with a beautiful personalized footer. Every week she has to do the same formatting again and again.

The solution? Our office lady learned the “Quick Styles” function. Now, she can save the formatting by highlighting the text and selecting “New Style” in the “Styles Pane” window.

Use common praises and text

Calling it auto-text would be an understatement because this feature will make your repetitive work simplified, much like how you insert formatting using the “Quick Styles.”

For example, our office lady changed her profession, and now she writes blogs for a website. Towards the end of each article, she has to write a 20-word disclaimer stating the copyright law. Instead of copy and pasting it from the last reports or re-writing it every time, she can choose to save that disclaimer as an “Auto Text.”

Now, you must be wondering how to use Autotext in the first place? Well, it’s more simple than it looks in this article. Here is how to do that.

  1. Write the text you want to save as “Auto Text.”
  2. Highlight the text using the mouse.
  3. Click Insert.
  4. Select Auto Text from the Menu.
  5. Click New.
  6. Please enter a name for this text and save it.

Once saved, you can continuously use this feature to add repetitive text again and again. Mix it with the formatting feature, and you have yourself a personalized tool with you.

Spike up your copy and pasting game

Who doesn’t like copy and pasting? It’s pretty cool, right? But you know what else is cool? Spike! A unique way of copying and pasting that eliminates the need to switch back and forth between documents. Though this feature has been around for a long time, many folks have never even heard of it. Here is how it works.

Spike copies your text from the document and saves it inside a hidden memory. For example, you might want to add the word “Arachibutyrophobia” to your science project, and copy-pasting that word again & again might not be the best course of action. Solution? Select the text and hit CTRL + F3 to save the text in Spike. You’ll notice that the word “Arachibutyrophobia” has vanished, but don’t worry because this is where the magic happens.

Continue writing the rest of the document using typical copy-pasting methods. To add “Arachibutyrophobia” again, instead of copying or retyping it, press CTRL + SHIFT + F3 on your keyboard.

Use find and replace

Over the years, one thing writers haven’t got right is spellings. Sometimes, we tend to write “Smith,” but we end up writing “Smit.” Similarly, there are thousands of other words we misspell daily. While checking your whole document won’t be feasible, there is a quick way you can fix the spelling errors using the find and replace option. Word has a unique feature called “Find and Replace.” This feature can help you repair spelling mistakes in a fleet. To use this feature, follow the steps given below.

  1. Open Word and go to Menu.
  2. Scroll down until you see the Find option.
  3. Select Replace.
  4. Now, enter any potential error as well as its current answer.
  5. Once located, click Replace All.

Final thoughts

These were just the tip of what you can do with Microsoft word. There are hundred other tips that can help you master your Word formatting skills in 2021. Still, these six are pretty decent since you are getting your formatting right, plus you can fix your spelling mistakes as well. So, that’s all, folks. We hope you use these techniques to become the next star performer of your office and earn that promotion you’ve been looking forward to.

Ella johnson has extensive expertise in Microsoft Office and has spent a good part of her life working in the technical industry. Ella has written several technical blogs, manuals, and reviews for several renowned websites.

source: 6 Word Tricks To Master Your Formatting Skills In 2021

Ella johnson
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