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Top Features of Decentralized Exchange Script

Maximus jacklin1990
Top Features of Decentralized Exchange Script

BlockchainAppsDeveloper - Leading Decentralized Exchange Script Development Company offers readymade Decentralized Exchange Script to Start DEX Crypto Exchange Platform. We also develop a decentralized trading platform from scratch.

Our DEX Exchange Script is completely customizable which allows you to set up an un-hackable decentralized crypto exchange website.

Features of Our Decentralized Exchange Script

Here are some of the major features of decentralized exchange development,

Powerful Admin / User Dashboard

Our admin panel system can easily engage you to regulate and invigorate your business at whatever point without requiring any technical skills.

Adaptable UI/UX

Our UI/UX group will support you in the post-deployment phase, to address glitches, errors, and add new features to your business to keep it extraordinary.

Transaction History

Each & every trade and withdrawal limit history will be recorded so you can ensure the inflow of your cryptocurrency payments consistently.

Flawless Trade

Our DEX exchange script focuses on a flawless crypto trading system. You can consolidate the trade script with the latest and most versatile trading advancements.

Two-Factor Authentication

With our 2FA authentication, you need not worry about any unexpected breaks. Likewise, you can integrate a 2FA authentication in the BTC wallet for a more secured exchange.

Secure Cryptocurrency Transaction

Join diverse cryptocurrency exchange options in our crypto trade script, which can't be hacked by any programmers and other digital threats.

Smart Contract Integration

Our devoted smart contract developers can self execute contracts developed by them that automate your business improvement & obtain trust in currency trades.

Payment Gateway Integration

Our payment gateway integration is the most basic and vital of the system. You can moreover blend the DEX script with the progressive and most versatile payment innovations.

Buyer/seller communication

Our DEX script offers an overall solution for your users to choose among different vernaculars, for persistent trading and smooth communications.

Instant Notification

Offering instant alerts for traders & buyers to find the best trading pair by giving the most accurate timely updates.

Easy to Use Platform

Our easy customized exchange script empowers you to integrate or remove a crypto pair, place orders, payment techniques and roll out recent updates, and a lot more.

Want to Know More Features ->> Decentralized Exchange Script

Maximus jacklin1990
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