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Care Health Insurance: A Caring Partner For Your Health Needs

Ravi Khurana
Care Health Insurance: A Caring Partner For Your Health Needs

Earlier famous by the name of Religare Health Insurance, Care Health Insurance, founded in the year 2021, is a joint venture of Religare Enterprise Pvt Ltd, Union Bank of India, and Corporation Bank. Aimed to serve a vast network of the audience, Care Health Insurance has a wholesome range of health care plans to offer such as maternity insurance plans, senior citizen insurance plans, Diabetes and hypertension cover, cancer/critical illness insurance, top-up health insurance plans, individual and family floater insurance plans which makes the company an obvious choice for protecting self, family, and senior citizens under it.

Care health insurance has gained a huge market share with INR 2151.25 Crores depicting an excellent growth in business volume in the year 2019-2020.

The company has a facility to offer cashless treatment in over 15,500 network hospitals which are the highest amongst insurance companies available in India. These hospitals are based in the entire country giving a pan-India presence to the insurance company.  

Care Health Insurance has been successfully able to meet financial long-term goals with a 1.5% of solvency ratio i.e. compatible with the percentage issued by IRDAI, an insurance regulator. Also, winning the customers’ confidence by having 100% claim settlement percentage within the time limit of three months i.e. highest ever gained by any insurance company in India. It clearly indicates the company cares about its customers' needs at the time of medical emergencies.

Care Health Insurance has been ahead of the curve with its unique initiatives. To make the process of managing policy-related tasks uncomplicated, the company has come up with a Care Health Insurance Mobile App- a one-stop solution for all policy concerns, available on Google Playstore and AppStore.

In order to cater to the masses dealing with different ailments, Care Health Insurance has curated 10 health plans ranging from health plans to senior citizen's plans to top-ups to maternity plans. Care health insurance plan, care freedom, care joy health insurance plan, care senior health insurance plan is to name a few from the company. All these plans are designed to meet different medical requirements with unique terms and conditions and entry ages making buying insurance policies convenient for the masses.

While it is important to know what is covered in their health care plans, it is equally essential to know some exclusions mentioned by the brand such as Expenses attributable to self-inflicted injury resulting from suicide or attempted suicide. The company does not provide coverage for sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS. Expenses arising out of or attributable to alcohol or drug use/misuse/abuse. This company does not cover any claim caused due to war or similar conditions.

The company has crafted a hassle-free insurance buying process where an individual can visit their website to get the quote for their desired insurance plan by inserting simple details. Once details are filled such as name, age and etc, the page shows the most suitable plan and premium amount as per requirements. It can be bought by paying the premium online, and the soft copy of the policy document is sent to the registered email id. Likewise, a simple renewal process is offered by the brand with online payment.  


Ravi Khurana
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