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The Benefits Of Hemp Seed Oil Capsules

Raz Smith
The Benefits Of Hemp Seed Oil Capsules

We know cannabis is actually good for absolutely everything. Okay, maybe we want to take it with a grain of salt. The same is true for, we know cannabis is really pretty great for pretty much everyone. Again, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. - So before we get started on, we've got a ton of folks asking about what can be used to treat certain psychiatric conditions. But before we jump into all those questions, could you just provide a quick overview of the difference between THC and CBD? So when we refer to it throughout the rest of the session, folks aren't feeling overwhelmed by acronym madness. - You got it. So once again, THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the primary intoxicating constituent of the plant. Overwhelmingly, this is what our recreational or adult users are looking to have a high amount of in their product to "get high" or to change.

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Their current state of being. It's also the constituent that has been linked to decrements in performance on certain cognitive tasks, we see changes in certain aspects of brain function for example. It's the aspect of the plant that most people are concerned about when they think about "the impact on psychiatric symptoms and conditions." On the flip side of that, sort of it's country cousin I might say, cannabidiol or hemp seed oil capsules 1000mg is a primary non-intoxicating constituent of the plant. Doesn't get you high, and it may in fact have tremendous therapeutic benefit for things like, but not limited to, anxiety, chronic pain, PTSD, again, epilepsy or seizure disorders. Lots of different indications have been touted as perhaps being helped by the use of CBD. So those are the basic differences, CBD has not been shown to have negative or adverse effects, it's generally recognized as safe, is really the term that we use, which is incredibly helpful as we move forward into these things. Also one quick fun fact in case our audience doesn't know, CBD can also potentially mitigate or reduce the less desirable effects of THC, so if you want to have a scenario where someone perhaps wants to avoid psychoactivity, I don't want to get high but I need a little THC. Pre-treating with CBD or making sure

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There's enough CBD "on board" in conjunction with the THC can reduce the amount of psychoactivity from that THC, that's important. - So we've got a ton of folks asking about trying CBD to help manage their anxiety. Lot of providers are either not knowledgeable or don't have the information on suggested doses, and there's a lot of contradictory information based on whatever website you land on. So how do we know where to start in terms of dosages? And I guess a follow up question would be, what can we share with our primary care providers, that's reputable legit research around why we should try it? - So I think there's good reason to be interested in exploring the potential use of hemp seed oil capsules for anxiety and anxiety related conditions. We actually have, as I mentioned a number of studies at McLean that look specifically at that using a clinical trial, the very first of its kind. We have a cannabis based study looking at folks with moderate to severe anxiety using technically a cannabis product, but it's very, very low THC, and then we have a hemp-based product. So in terms of doses and dosage, it's a very, very important point. And when people read the literature about "pure CBD" or let's say Epidiolex, they find that the dose required to get an effect, and again, the effect here is reduction

Raz Smith
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