If you’re updating QuickBooks company file on your own, the step-wise instructions given in the linked article will guide you. If you still have any issues, contact the QuickBooks support team by dialing our helpline number (855)-526-5749.

Is it time to upgrade your QuickBooks software.
If you’re still Upgrade QuickBooks 2014 to 2017 it may be time to start thinking about making the transition to a more updated version.
This includes all of the QuickBooks software such as, Pro, Premier, Enterprise and both Windows and Mac versions.
Read on to find out how this discontinuation will affect your QB software If you convert your clients file to a newer version they will not be able to open the file unless they update to the newest version.

QuicKBooks backwards compatible will help the user easily open or convert the file which were made by earlier versions of the QuickBooks.
If you want more information then call the QuickBooks support on +1-844-313-4857.Read More: https://www.smbaccountants.com/quickbooks-backwards-compatible/

QuickBooks Error 6177 0 occurs when "QuickBooks is attempting to open this Company file” indicates that QuickBooks couldn’t use the path to the company file.
It says that QB is unable to follow the path for opening the company file.
It usually occurs when using QuickBooks in multiuser mode.