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Keller Williams President

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Keller Williams President

Smaller companies and solo practitioners might think large companies such as Keller Williams Realty aren't within their grasp, but those companies are actually more willing to hire solo professionals than they think. State Bar of Texas podcast host Rocky Dhir interviews Keller Williams Realty President Josh Team for a special State Bar of Texas podcast episode to discuss the barriers solo lawyers face when operating in the state of Texas. Attorney Joshua Team is the president of Keller Williams Realty. As he puts it, his business is all about building custom homes and he is well aware that not everyone will be in attendance at a boardroom meeting in some law firm. When you hear this candid and informative conversation from the man himself, you'll know that he's got the inside scoop and you can take it all in.

In discussing the changes in technology platforms, Josh Team gave an example of how the personal computer and internet have affected his company. Specifically, he noted how Keller Williams has eliminated a major barrier to entry for new clients, which was being able to secure funding for projects. He noted that in order for a lending institution or a commercial real estate company to do an underwriting of a loan, the borrower must possess a good credit history, which typically precludes people without a long history of financial success from getting loans. Now that the company has developed a technology platform that allows consumers to access loans directly from the company, he feels that underwriters are no longer afraid of people with bad credit.

Regarding the company's growth plan for the upcoming year and beyond, Mr. Team indicated that the company would continue to add to its consumer-facing business units, particularly its digital media and publishing arm. He also indicated that the company would continue to grow its membership as well as offer new products and services. In January, Keller Williams will introduce a new product to its consumer-facing business units called Jotu, a conversational language translator, which will allow customers to have a real conversation with a non-native English speaker, for example. As the company looks to further its reach into the international marketplace, Mr. Team said that it will continue to strengthen its ties to international affiliates.

Mr. Team continued to discuss how the company continues to innovate and build upon the technologies in place since January 2021. He mentioned that the company will continue to develop its messaging platform through the strategic alliance with Yahoo, which has made it easier for customers to share their content across multiple channels. Furthermore, he said that the company will continue to diversify the ways in which it uses its social media presence, which has resulted in stronger engagement from its audience. Finally, he indicated that he is looking forward to discussing the company's plans with the board of directors later this year.

During the company's Q&A session, Mr. Williams indicated that he was unaware that his appointment was an unconventional move when he accepted the job. He clarified that he accepted the position on the basis that he was a fan of Keller Williams and that he thought that his leadership would be an asset to the company. Mr. Williams went on to say that he looked forward to sharing the direction of the company with Keller Williams and that he looks forward to helping him chart the company's future. Mr. Williams also touched base on why he had accepted the job, saying that he was happy to get the opportunity. He went on to say that he feels as though the company is moving in the right direction and that he looks forward to helping the company achieve its full growth and success.

The chief operating officer followed this up by inviting employees to meet the ceo and get some questions answered. In the meeting, it was noted that several employees expressed concerns about the direction the company was going and voiced their opinions to the CEO. The ceo listened to these comments and then addressed the concerns with the company's management team.

On Friday, Mr. Williams released a statement saying that he will step aside as the CEO and become the president and COO of the company starting on January 1st. Mr. Williams said that he looked forward to being the COO and that he would work closely with Mr. Keller Williams to help the company achieve its maximum growth and success. Mr. Williams said that he looks forward to working with the board of directors and their innovative ideas. Mr. Williams added that he is eager to help guide the company into the future.

This is the first update on the position of CEO and CFO for Keller Williams since January of 2021. Mr. Williams is a successful entrepreneur who has been in the business for over 35 years. Mr. Williams has successfully led multiple companies in different sectors to achieve tremendous success. He has also successfully led smaller companies to achieve financial success as well. Mr. Williams is an extremely skilled individual and we are confident that he will lead the company to even greater success and greatness in the future.

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