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Entertainment for Hybrid and Virtual Events

krishna kittu
Entertainment for Hybrid and Virtual Events

With in-person interactions and events being on hold in 2020, we see a world of visual and hybrid event possibilities presented to us in 2021. Hybrid events involve the best of both worlds by combing in-person and virtual interactions.

With hybrid events in 2021, organizers and event planners will need to adapt and modify their approaches to facilitate such events. This involves designing a virtual stage and incorporating elements to cater to attendees from both spheres. Here are some entertainment ideas for both hybrid and virtual events platform  to guarantee your event a success:

Arrange a Comedy or Live Concert Performance

One of the best ways to keep your audience engaged is to arrange entertainment shows such as improve comedy, magic shows, or even live concerts. Make them interactive and hold live chats with customers. A great example is Billie Ellish’s virtual concert performance, paired with immersive visuals.

These performances should have excellent cinematography and should be shot from varying angles, allowing users to feel as if they are experiencing it in real life.


Provide an Opportunity to Create Their Avatar

Instead of online video screens or 2D visual images, avatars are the gateway to attending virtual events. Avatars can be a fun way for people to creatively express themselves in a shared virtual space. A lot of apps utilize avatars to create a gamified experience.

Avatars offer self-expression as people can use hand gestures and related actions to communicate with each other more openly.

Give Everyone a Platform to Contribute

Virtual events significantly diminish the feeling of a more personal and expressive environment. However, a lot can be done to change this. Live polling, question and answer sessions, quizzes, and surveys can be conducted to increase engagement and interaction.

Hybrid and virtual events should allow everyone to feel like they play a contributory role in the event. All events and sessions should aim to invoke feelings of personalization and inclusion.

Now that you’re aware of the different ways you can make your hybrid and virtual event entertaining, what’s stopping you from organizing a killer event? Event Titans is an online event management software that will assist you every step of the way; be it planning, promoting, and executing your event, we’ve got you covered.

We provide you ultimate events management solutions through our event marketing tools and event registration platformsContact our team to request a free quote and plan a successful event.

krishna kittu
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