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What To Look for in a Bakery Food Distributor

Ryan Stover
What To Look for in a Bakery Food Distributor

You own or work at some type of bakery, confectionary store, or candy store. You walk in every morning and notice the racks, shelves, and tubs of bakery items, products, ingredients, needed to make the assortment of treats you offer at the bakery. I’m sure you have sifted through all of the different types of ingredients to create the favorite treats that your customers can buy in the bakery.

Occasionally, you might need to offer pre-made bakery foods to supplement your inventory and have enough to sell or offer your customers. This all goes back to one major component though, where you are getting all of these food items and ingredients.

For any bakery, confectionary store, or even candy store, you buy from a distributor to get all of the bakery items and food you need to restock your kitchens. The grocery store won’t typically suffice, as they usually don’t offer bulk ingredients or the specific items you need. Even if you can find the items you need for your bakery at the grocery store, they are often much more expensive or have limited stock.

You can completely avoid having to overpay for your bakery foods and ingredients by finding a well-known bakery ingredient supplier that you can trust. A bakery food distributor is the most important service to use when you own or work at a bakery or other confectionery business.

However, if you’re new to the baking scene or are in the market for a new bakery food distributor, there are a few things you need to look out for before you make your first order with one.

Here are a few tips on what to look for in a bakery ingredient and supply distributor.

  • Make sure the prices are affordable
    Do your research and understand the overall cost of the ingredients and foods that you frequently use in your bakery. When buying from a distributor, they may raise the price of bulk items. Make sure you don’t overpay for your ingredients.
  • They carry your preferred brands/items
    If you prefer to use certain brands and specific items for your baked goods, you want to find a distributor that carries all the brands you use! There’s no reason to change what you’re using so you can buy from a new distributor. There will always be a perfect fit, so keep looking!
  • If your bakery specializes in certain types of baked goods like pastries or cupcakes, find a distributor that carries all the necessary ingredients to make whatever you’re selling. More points for the distributors that carry bakery decorating tools and packaging supplies.
  • Buy local
    If you prefer to support businesses that are close to your own business, there are plenty of bakery distributors that can be found online that may be close to you. If not, there are also a plethora of food distributors that come from small, humble beginnings, much like Stover & Company. If you live or own your bakery in the Pennsylvania or Pittsburgh area, Stover & Company may be the best choice for you.

Choose Stover & Company
If you are on the lookout for a bakery food distributor and are following those three steps listed above, you will most likely stumble upon Stover & Company. This bakery item and food distributor is a fourth-generation owned wholesale food distributor that supplies all the best brands of bakery products at affordable prices.

You can find all of your favorite name brands of ingredients and food products like Pillsbury, Abel Schafer, Brill, and much more! Find hundreds of different name brands on Stover & Company’s website, stovercompany.com. No matter how big or small your business is, Stover & Company will provide you with the best and fastest service possible.

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Ryan Stover
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