Why is my skin dehydrated?
Any type of skin (dry, oily, combination) can present a dehydration problem. The effects will be more or less important, but this lack of water translates into discomfort in the face and in all or part of the body,
especially after bathing or showering. Although the symptoms are very similar, do not confuse dehydrated skin with dry skin. These are two different skin problems. You will find more information about dry to very dry skin here.
How to recognize dehydrated skin?
Dehydrated skin
Skin dehydration is manifested by a loss of splendor and well-being, with a more or less intense and persistent feeling of tightness: the skin is tight, especially after cleaning, and scales may also appear.
It is an unusual and temporary condition, which does not have to be associated with a "dry" skin type. That is, oily skin can perfectly go through episodes of dehydration.
What are the causes of skin dehydration?
Water, like air, is an essential element for life.
In adults, it represents around 65% of the total weight.
Thus, a 70 kg person is made up of approximately 49 liters of water, of which 15% are concentrated on the skin.
The role of water is fundamental. The water, a whole nursery where the other organs are supplied, allows the
exchange with the outside: the water moves from the dermis to the surface, soaking the different layers as it disperses.
This flow of water is called PIA (insensitive water loss). The horny layer (upper layer of the epidermis ),
naturally protected by a hydrolipidic film on the surface, slows down the evaporation process.
If this physiological barrier is disturbed, the PIE accelerates and the skin becomes dry. The water present in the dermis stops circulating to the epidermis, the hydrolipid film no longer performs its function.
Dehydration can result from a number of factors
Environmental factors
like cold, winter, wind, pollution, UV ...
To smoke
External factors,
like tobacco or alcohol
Emotional factors,
stress or tiredness
Medical treatments
Certain drug treatments,
such as those intended to combat acne or cholesterol
Essential oils
Cosmetic products
too aggressive, detergents, strippers and desiccants ...
How does the regulation of water in the skin work?
The skin is very sensitive to any water deficit; for this reason, it is equipped with a hydro regulation mechanism.
1) Hydroregulation
70% of the skin is water. About 75% is found deep in the dermis, where water plays an important role in the resistance of the skin.
The hydration of the epidermis is the product of 2 elements:
static, fixed water, and dynamic water, which circulates.
Hydroregulation allows the balance between these two aqueous components and is the only guarantee of the physical and functional integrity of the skin. 3 main factors are involved in hydro regulation: NMF (Natural
Moisturizing Factor or natural hydration factors), lipids of the horny layer and aquaporins.
Water drops
2) Hydroregulation factors, NMF (natural hydration factors)
NMFs are molecules that fix the water in the horny layer; they are called moisturizers. The best known NMFs are urea and lactic acid.
There are other substances, used in cosmetics, with the same properties, in particular, glycerin and xylitol
The barrier function of skin and water
The corneal layer is made up of cells that no longer have nuclei "cemented" by lipids, called intercorneocyte lipids.
These lipids, in quantity and quality, are necessary for the integrity of the corneal layer and, therefore, for its function as a «barrier». When they are missing or deteriorated, the cohesion of the cells is no longer guaranteed. The result is an increase in the phenomenon of perspiration, also called insensitively loss of water.
A well-hydrated skin must be able to retain water; hence the importance of intercorneocytic lipids.
What are aquaporins for?
The aquaporins are channels through which water circulates inside the epidermis. These proteins are produced by keratinocytes (cells of the epidermis), which insert them into their membrane to allow the passage of water molecules. This circulation is essential for the skin. In fact, the epidermis is not vascularized.
All the elements necessary for cellular life (mineral salts, vitamins, nutritional elements ...) that the
blood carries to the dermis reaches all the superficial layers of the skin thanks to aquaporins. Without aquaporins, the epidermis could not "feed".
How to distinguish between dehydrated skin and dry skin?
It is an alteration of the superficial layer of the epidermis's lack of water. This lack of hydration alters the skin's barrier function and leads to discomfort. Dry or very dry skin, on the other hand, is a constant state, which defines a certain type of skin, which lacks both water and lipids.
You will find more information about dry to very dry skin here.
Who is affected?
All skin types can be affected by an episode of dehydration in certain circumstances or seasons.
The dermatologist will check your skin type and help you identify potential dehydration factors: a change in work environment, swimming in pools, an aggressive soap or shower gel, a recent illness, drug treatment. If a responsible factor is clearly identified, it should be corrected where possible.