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What are EOT cranes and tips for their safety?

RMS Industries
What are EOT cranes and tips for their safety?

Industries that require to lift heavy loads, and transport them to some distance, require cranes that can handle heavy duty operations. EOT or Electric overhead travelers are just the perfect cranes that have been designed to make their work easier and faster.

These cranes are very efficient, as they can handle heavy loads for a long period of time, at temperatures ranging from -20 to 400c. These cranes lift and lower heavy loads easily and can be designed for different industries according to their specific needs.

EOT cranes also called Electric Overhead Travelling or bridge cranes operate on parallel runways with a travelling bridge on which the hoist is mounted. These cranes can move in both directions and are available as EOT crane single Girder and Double Girder EOT cranes.

What is a single girder EOT crane?

A single girder EOT crane is an overhead crane EOT that has one bridge, an electrical hoist, and other components. It is a very simple EOT crane that is constructed with light weight structure and used to lift light weight materials.

You can find such EOT cranes in many light weight industries that have lighter loads to transport, but need speed to handle big number of operations.

Double girder EOT cranes

Double girder EOT cranes are ones that have two bridges and are constructed on heavy structure. These types of EOT cranes are highly popular with heavy industries like metal, mining, amongst many others. These are highly efficient cranes that allow you to transport heavy load of materials from one place to another swiftly.

These are also more affordable because they are able to transport larger quantities and heavier material from one place to another. Today, you can find Double girder EOT machines in a number of variations depending upon the needs of an industry.

Safety tips for using EOT cranes:

You come to know about accidents with EOT cranes where people are badly injured or there are big losses due to it. However, most accidents occur due to negligence of people operating the machine. If you follow all the tips carefully every time the machine is used, you can save precious life and prevent loss or damage of machine and material.

Before use, check that EOT crane has proper travel, lift and capacity.

Before loading of material, check the capacity of all equipment of the crane that includes the hardware, the rope and the slings.

Communications with the operator must be clear and preferably be given by a single person. Orders given by multiple people often create confusion leading to accidents.

Best EOT cranes:

If you are looking to install EOT crane at your manufacturing area or warehouse, you would want to install a crane according to your requirement and specifications. Therefore, you need a manufacturer who has the ability to provide you customized EOT cranes at the earliest with quality that assured due to its international reputation. You should visit RMS Industries that manufacture EOT cranes under the brand name of Loadmaster.

They are one of the largest manufacturers of EOT cranes and other types of industrial cranes in India. They have the distinction of installing their cranes in almost all top manufacturing companies in India.

RMS Industries
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