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SEO is a long term investment | Minimal Tweaks - SEO Company in Lucknow

Anil Sharma
SEO is a long term investment | Minimal Tweaks - SEO Company in Lucknow

Many people have this misconception that they can gain instant results from SEO but this is not true. Any SEO company in Lucknow or even in India will tell you that you will start seeing results from SEO only after 3-6 months. Customers need to understand that the growth of a business through SEO is exponential. The various reasons why it's a long term procedure are:

1. Trust-building takes time: SEO is the procedure to make our website trustworthy for the search engine. It depends on various factors like relevance, performance, speed, etc.
2. High Competition: You are not the only one doing SEO. Many other companies are investing in SEO for a long time so competing with them is tedious and time taking.
3. Backlinking: SEO depends largely on backlinking and creating backlinks for your website is time taking. If you tend to create many backlinks then it may invite a ban on your website. So, it is a periodic procedure.

So, whenever you plan to invest in SEO, don't rush into it and give time to the agency that would do SEO for you. If you are confused about how much will be the total investment then you can get in touch with Minimal Tweaks. It's are a creative digital agency in Lucknow who expertise in SEO and have done SEO for many companies and have produced great results for them.

Anil Sharma
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