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Kewaunee Acclaimed For Versatile Laboratory Fume Hoods and Laboratory Safety

Kewaunee Labway
Kewaunee Acclaimed For Versatile Laboratory Fume Hoods and Laboratory Safety

Fume hoods are one of the important laboratory accessories that prevent workers from being exposed to hazardous and dangerous fumes while working on them.


Kewaunee is a leading fume hood manufacturer in India and USA providing fume hoods that come in a wide choice of pre-designed models to choose from or customised to the needs of a modern laboratory.


Laboratory fume hoods are one of the most reliable engineering controls in the laboratory. Enhanced with the Venturi containment technology, Kewaunee fume hoods manufactured in India and USA are what the modern laboratories require. Among the versatile fume hoods offered by Kewaunee, the prominent ones are listed below:


  • Bench top Fume Hood is generally placed on a bench-top or above a storage cabinet. Bench-top hoods are used for a wide variety of chemical procedures involving small-to-moderate quantities of low-to-high toxic materials.
  • Distillation fume hoods are used with a tall apparatus and for procedures involving small-to-medium quantities of low-to-high toxicity materials.
  • A floor-mounted hood (or walk-in fume hood) is used for large apparatus and storage of hazardous containers that wouldn’t fit into an approved storage cabinet.
  • Radioisotope Fume Hoods are used for Beta and Gamma radiation environments.
  • A perchloric acid hood has the general characteristics of a bench-top hood, but the interior lining is coved and welded seamless stainless steel.


Designed & tested to meet ASHRAE 110-2016 and EN-14175-3 standards, Kewaunee Venturi fume hoods are the safest and the most energy efficient model in the market today.


The spokesperson at Kewaunee elaborating functioning of fume hoods says “The user-friendly features accommodate the needs of new generation scientists. The rigid frame construction assures solid installation, low vibration, and sound levels.”


Further describing customer centric approach of the company, Kewaunee representative says “We at Kewaunee are laser focused on our customer need and wants. We base our success on our satisfaction and our ability to adapt to our customers constant changing needs. One thing we are proud of is our ability to form enduring partnerships with our customers. Our customer-partners challenge us to innovate and deliver the best value in the market.”


You can contact Kewaunee team at www.kewaunee.in to get more details on the fume hood price and fume hood specifications.


About Kewaunee Labway India Pvt Ltd


Founded in 1906, Kewaunee Scientific Corporation is a recognized global leader in the design, manufacture, and installation of laboratory, healthcare, and technical furniture products. The Company's products include steel, wood, and laminate casework, fume hoods, adaptable modular systems, moveable workstations, stand-alone benches, biological safety cabinets, and epoxy resin work surfaces and sinks.


For more details please visit the website here: https://www.kewaunee.in/.



Kewaunee Labway
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