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This document is ready by dod IT Solutions, to present you an idea of however our Scriptstore.in 99ACRES CLONE SCRIPT options would be. each business wants to be one or alternative means identical and if you would like to begin a website even as same as property, then you've got reached the correct place. Our 99Acres Clone Script has all the relevant options and advantages that would end in bringing a hike to your business career. A property Portal website clone could be a Real Estate Portal website that will be wont to produce and sell one’s own online business. These online businesses square measure hosted on the net. the most advantage of the 99acres Portal PHP script is that it builds it doable for others to create their business and make cash at the identical time. This way, it's doable to control a business whereas you're still functioning on it. It also can be used by others who wish to begin their own business and become a part of the web community.

99acres Portal PHP script can permit the website to be a lot economical because it is developed by an expert site owner. There square measure 2 strategies of developing the web site. One is that the manual methodology and also the alternative is that the automated method. the Real Estate Portal clone website square measure attending to be utilized by net developers to develop websites. 99acres clone script can facilitate boosting the reliability of the website. 99acres clone script could be a property portal website that will be wont to produce and sell one’s own online business. These online businesses square measure hosted on the net. the most advantage of the 99acres clone script is that it builds it doable for others to create their business and make cash at the identical time. This way, it's doable to control a business whereas you're still functioning on it. It also can be used by other UN agencies that wish to begin their own business and become a part of the web community.



Premium Support


Search Experience

Modular Booking

Property Management

Promotions and Billing

Search Engine Ready


General features

Get complete source code

Logo designing

Script Installation

Layout approval

Easy to use application

Improved photo gallery

User Panel features

Easily create user Account

Search by listing id, city, state, property type, property style, min price, max price, beds, baths, min sq ft, or keyword.

Upload multiple images

Can upload properties image (Photo Album More than one Image)

Add /edit/ delete the Property details for sale / wanted

Can post more than one ads about the properties


SEO features

Submit to search engine

Search engine friendly URL

Meta tag, Title, Description & Keywords


Proper redirects

Integrate Google analytics

Back end features

Full administration interface

Easy to manage admin panel

No technical skill required

Add / Edit / Delete Unlimited Property with Details.

Contact :

No.79, Ramakrishna Nagar,



620020, Tamilnadu

Mobile : +91 7339131505

Landline: 043-4000616

Email: support@doditsolutions.in

For More: http://scriptstore.in

Script store
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