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Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) Surgery

Dr Ashwani Bansal
Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) Surgery

Minimally invasive cardiac surgery involves making small incisions in the right side of your chest to reach the heart between the ribs, rather than cutting through the breastbone, as is done in open-heart surgery. Minimally invasive cardiac surgery can be performed to treat a variety of heart conditions. Compared with open-heart surgery, this type of surgery might mean less pain and a quicker recovery for many people.

See: Heart Specialist in Chandigarh

Minimally invasive heart surgery isn't an option for everyone. But for those who can have the surgery, the potential benefits when compared with open-heart surgery can include: • Less blood loss • Lower risk of infection • Reduced trauma and pain • Shorter time in the hospital, faster recovery and quicker return to normal activities • Smaller, less noticeable scars

See: Bypass Heart Surgeon in Chandigarh

Who benefits from minimally invasive heart surgery?

Not everyone is a candidate for minimally invasive cardiac surgery. Your doctor and treatment team will work with you to determine whether it's an option to treat your condition.

Important Links

Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery 

Pediatric Heart Surgeon in Chandigarh 

Bypass Heart Surgeon in Chandigarh 

Heart Specialist in Chandigarh 

Cardiologist in Chandigarh 

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Bypass Heart Surgery 

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Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgeon

Dr Ashwani Bansal
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